Saturday, December 15, 2012



Problems with Herbalife Diet Supplements

written by: Regina Woodard • edited by: Diana Cooper • updated: 2/28/2011
If you're considering using the Herbalife diet supplement in order to lose weight, you should first look into any issues in regards to the product, such as side effects. Here, learn about problems with Herbalife diet supplements.
  • Introduction

    Obesity has claimed the media spotlight for several years, as doctors, patients and loved ones come out about the dangers of carrying too much weight. Obesity is now considered to be one of the top killers in the United States due to the several diseases and issues that come from having too much fat in one's body.
    With such a crisis, it's not hard to see why many people turn to those 'cureall' miracle cures of weight loss pills that will help drop your weight in a day or even so called diet supplements. The desperation for some means going all out in trying to get slimmer in only days, weeks or months.
    Herbalife is one of those big name product manufacturers that specialize in a wide variety of different weight management, diet supplements and weight loss products. However, since the company's initial start in the early 1980's, it has seen its share of problems when it comes to their products. Here, learn about the problems with Herbalife diet supplements.
  • Problems with Herbalife Diet Supplements

    As mentioned above, Herbalife has been in the weight loss game since the early 1980's, with the official launch of their services in 1985. The company gained a lot of success and despite issues that have plagued it in the ensuing years, the company is still a very popular maker of weight loss and dieting products.Problems with Herbalife Diet Supplements
    But it is the products themselves that have a host of problems with Herbalife diet supplements. The first is the obvious case of side effects, which are the ill results of the ingredients reacting badly with the individual who is taking them. Most products will contain certain ingredients that some people are allergic to; for example, a number of Herbalife products contain soy or seafood products that for someone with an allergy to one of them could go from annoying to fatal.
    A recent report done by Bio-Medical found that some of Herbalife products contained high levels of lead and silica. Small amounts of both of these can be consumed, however large doses can cause internal problems with the body and even death. Before 2004, several companies - including Herbalife - had products that contained the addictive drug called ephedra, which has now since to be shown to cause primary pulmonary hypertension when taken and that it may take years before the effects are actually shown or caught.
    Along with concerns over what ingredients are in Herbalife, the company itself has been labeled with the terms of questionable practices when it comes to their marketing and advertising campaigns. Some of their products were marketed as a means of giving people better health and healthier living, which could be misleading in terms that taking diet supplements alone can not do that.
    If you're worried about the problems associated with Herbalife diet supplements, the best recourse is to avoid taking the supplements or by seeing your doctor and getting advice on the pros and cons of taking this or other diet supplements.

Side Effects of Herbalife Supplements

written by: Regina Woodard • edited by: Diana Cooper • updated: 2/26/2011
In this day and age of high obesity, many people trying to lose weight will quickly turn to those 'miracle cures' or supplement meals in order to try and bring their weight down. In this article, learn about taking Herbalife, as well as the Herbalife side effects.
  • Introduction

    Recent studies have shown that obesity and those at risk for it have grown over the years, a troubling trend that has both nutritionists and parents concerned. While obesity is still on the rise, there are of course those that suffer from it or hope to avoid it by getting their eating and dietary habits under control by eating better and exercising.
    For those who are of course at the brink of trying to lose weight, the advertisements for weight loss supplements, so called miracle cures, or other drugs that claim to help someone lose weight in the matter of weeks, days, or even hours can sometimes be more detrimental rather than beneficial.
    Herbalife is one such supplement. Created in the 1980s by Mark Hughes, Herbalife claimed to be a cure-all - a program in which you can not only lose weight, but you'll be healthier and living a better life. While perhaps the concept behind the product were genuine, since it's initial marketing campaign in 1985, there have been a string of different issues surrounding the product itself.
    In this article, learn about what Herbalife is, some of the Herbalife side effects, and what these side effects mean for you as a potential or current user.
  • What is Herbalife?

    As mentioned earlier, Herbalife has been around since the 1980s, featuring 62 different varieties of herb and botanical based weight Side Effects of Herbalife Supplements management products, as well as food and dietary supplements, dieting management, and personal care products. The company's products are sometimes listed under different names, however they are manufactured and produced by the Herbalife company.
    The basic plan derived for Herbalife is to limit yourself to just one meal per day, while taking the recommended powders or dietary pills to supplement the other two meals that are not being eaten. The plan even goes so far as to require up to twenty pills be taken during the day, depending on the individual and the type of plan that is chosen.
  • Herbalife Side Effects

    For anyone that is considering using Herbalife, there are of course side effects that you should be aware of. The most basic are those for people who might have allergic reactions, however there have also been allegations of ingredients that might cause problems that can be more tragic than the everyday allergic reactions.
    Anyone who is considering taking this product should be aware that some of the product line contains protein, soy, or shellfish. There are many different types of people who have allergies due to one or more of these, which can range anywhere from a breakout or rash or even serious conditions, such as swelling in the mouth or throat. For those who are allergic to any of the above, they should not only check the label, but also consult with their doctor if there is a way to either take the supplement or an alternative.
    Caffeine of course is found in a lot of beverages, notably sodas, energy drinks, and of course, coffee. Some of the products within the Herbalife line does include caffeine and while the dosage is less than of a cup of coffee, you should still consider this when deciding on taking Herbalife. There is of course those who may be allergic to caffeine or even addicted to it. Caffeine of course can cause headaches, nervousness and high blood pressure.
    When Herbalife first started, some of its products - as well as some other products at the time - contained a drug called ephera, also known as ma hung. In 2004, the US Federal Drug Administration linked the drug to that of primary pulmonary hypertension and ordered the discontinuation of its usage, finding that however, it may still take years for the side effect of the drug to show up in the standard tests.
    Among these Herbalife side effects, many users have stated that they have also suffered from diarrhea, nausea, constipation and headaches.
  • Conclusion

    While these Herbalife side effects might scare you off from using its products, anyone who is interested in using any type of dietary supplement should always check the label, as well as seeing their doctor to be sure that the product is alright for them to use.

Guide to Herbalife Weight Loss Supplements

written by: Nicky LaMarco • edited by: Tania Cowling • updated: 5/9/2011
What are Herbalife weight loss supplements and how do they work? Learn more about the benefits and dangers of these supplements.
  • Total Control

    Herbalife makes supplements to help you lose weight that are guaranteed by the company to be certifiably kosher. These supplements can help quench hunger pangs while also providing energy. They work by offering extracts of several different types of teas blended together with pomegranate for antioxidant properties. Each tablet offers 82mg of caffeine or roughly the amount found in a cup of black coffee.
  • What's in Herbalife?

    Herbalife supplements contain sodium, potassium, magnesium, corn silk, parsley, dandelion and asparagus in order to detoxify the body and prevent bloating. It works by having chromium and calcium balance out blood sugar. A steadier blood sugar leads to less hunger and less chance of snacking too much or being unhealthful.
    A variety of caffeinated tea extracts also help with weight loss. Green tea extracts give the body antioxidants that help eliminate free radicals. The herbal tea concentrate also contains cardamom, lemon peel and hibiscus for nutrients and purification. Aminogen aids in breaking down proteins that the body has a hard time processing by itself. This reduces bloating, helps to regulate the digestive tract, and promotes lean muscle mass.
    Thermo-Bond is basically a fiber tablet. It works by making you feel fuller for a longer period of time. The sodium choleate it contains is a type of salt that helps to ease bloating. The multi-vitamin complex contains a multitude of minerals and vitamins. A nourished body won’t crave excess food.
    The cell activator promotes the body’s ability to absorb and nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and amino acids from foods and other supplements. The personalized protein powder contains soybean and whey powders to make you feel full so you don’t snack. It is fat-free and contains only 20 calories per teaspoon. It can be added to water, milk, and even suggests adding it to soups. The protein drink mix comes in chocolate and vanilla and can be mixed with water, milk, or whatever liquid you want. It is high in protein and low in carbohydrates with lots of vitamins and minerals.
  • Dangers of Herbalife Supplements

    Herbalife weight loss supplements are potentially dangerous because none of their supplements are approved by the Federal Drug and Food Administration. They work best when taken in conjunction with their other products, which means you will have to shell out more cash.
    Carefully reading the ingredients at any vitamin store and balancing what you need imitate most of their weight loss products. If you need a regimented and easy weight loss program and are okay with the risk factors, Herbalife is for you. You should talk to your doctor about taking Herbalife weight loss supplements before you start taking them so you can get some professional advice.

HERBALIFE H³0® Fitness Drink

HERBALIFE H³0® Fitness Drink
H³0® Fitness Drink is the next generation of hydration providing 1) rapid hydration, 2) sustained energy plus 3) antioxidant protection so you feel refreshed and energized all day long! Enjoy whenever you are thirsty or anytime you are physically active

HERBALIFE H³0® Fitness Drink

Triple Berry Complex

Herbalife - Triple Berry Complex

Concentrated cranberries, blueberries and bilberries provide
an antioxidant boost and dietary support for urinary health.

Key Benefits

Support urinary tract health*
Super-powered antioxidant support
Harness the power of cranberries

Triple Berry Complex

Herbalife Womans Choice

Herbalife Womans Choice

A concentrated source of isoflavones to help lessen hot flashes and moodiness.
Contains black cohosh to help promote hormonal balance.
Helps reduce the severity of perimenopausal symptoms.
Helps support hormone balance during perimenopause and menopause.

Herbalife Womans Choice

Herbalife - Ultimate Prostate Formula

Herbalife - Ultimate Prostate Formula

Provides 180mg saw palmetto per gel capsule.
Lycopene, a carotenoid found in tomatoes, helps protect prostate health.
Pumpkin seeds include essential fatty acids which may encourage healthy prostate function.

Ultimate Prostate

Herbalife Kids Shakes

Herbalife Kids Shakes
100% of key nutrients plus protein and fiber.
No artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners!
Herbs and botanicals, including soothing chamomile, ginger (which aids digestion), plus rosehips and acerola two powerful antioxidants.
Quick to make and easy to take on the go.
Kids love the TASTE!

Herbalife Kids Shakes

Formula 2 multivitamin complex

A daily multivitamin for long-term good health
Essential nutrients and antioxidants for long-term good health and vitality
Helps maintain the health of bones, skin, hair and the immune system
Supports healthy weight management
Some of the facts
Includes antioxidant vitamins C, E, beta-carotene and selenium, to help protect cells from free-radical damage.*
Supplies B vitamins, including folic acid, B6 and B12, which are essential for energy production and help maintain healthy homocysteine levels that are already within a normal range for cardiovascular health.*
Studies show adequate amounts of folic acid help prevent neural tube defects in pregnant women.*
Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex contains 133 mcg of folic acid per tablet

Formula 2 multivitamin complex

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Herbal Tea Concentrate

Herbal Tea Concentrate
Delicious instant tea with the antioxidant and thermogenic benefits of green tea and fast-acting botanicals for energy and weight-management support.
Key Benefits
Get an energy boost
Enjoy the benefits of green tea
Manage your weight
Low in calories and carbohydrates

can be serve hot or cold excellent in replacement for coffee or soda
we have in 4 flavors



Herbalife Side Effects
Some people experience unpleasant side effects when using various Herbalife products. These are described and addressed in this article for your safety and well-being.

If you experience bloating, try changing the portion size to reduce this feeling. Enjoy healthy snacks during the day and smaller meals to assist your digestion. If you are using the shake mix as a meal replacement you may want to reduce the portion size or frequency. 
Dry Mouth:

Some people report that their mouth is dry after black or fruit tea. Detox products often produce thirst so you can try increasing your intake of water. Dryness from using the shakes can be caused by acid reflux since it contains guar gum and psyllium husk. These have expanding properties, which can cause reflux. Guar bean is high in protein and oil and guar gum is used worldwide in many beverages, foods and supplements. In significant quantities, guar gum dehydrates the body and can cause some serious side effects. However, it is regulated by the FDA who only permits extremely small quantities of it in food. Guar gum in the shake mix is used to emulsify or bind the particles and has been determined to be of insignificant quantities.
Heart Palpitations:

Palpitations may be from caffeine sensitivity. The tea does have caffeine in it so you could either stop using the tea or eventually you will get used to caffeine and the palpations should recede. The shake mix does not contain any caffeine.
In the nineties it was found that Ephedra caused increased heart rate and Herbalife discontinued using Ephedra in any of its products.
Upset Stomach, Headache and Fevers:

 In the first few days, many years of accumulated toxins and waste in the body begin to be expelled. Diarrhea, headaches, fever or nausea can arise.
These are temporary symptoms and will subside whether you continue the diet or not. The discomfort is not very common but happens to some people. Once you are detoxified you should feel great however. The body has toxins or free radicals surrounded by fat molecules, and when burning these fat molecules, the toxins are released into the bloodstream for elimination. They circulate through the body and are filtered out by the kidneys and liver. This can take up to 2 weeks. Areas where toxins and pollutants are expelled from the body can display reactions. You can first use a detoxification program to cleanse your system before starting the weight loss program if you wish.

Unpleasant-Smelling Urine or Perspiration:
 This is another possible reaction to the body cleansing that is not caused by the products, but the waste you are cleaning out. The products are working just as they should.
Allergic Reaction and Blocked Sinuses:
 People who are very allergic to fish need to know that some Herbalife products contain fish oil. See a medical specialist to determine if this is an allergic reaction. Sinuses are especially sensitive because they are soft tissue. Sinus irritations should clear in 1 to 3 weeks but if they get worse, discontinue using the product and consult a medical professional.
Beware of nutrient deficiency when losing weight. The Herbalife ShapeWorks program recommends that along with the 2 shakes and one healthy meal, you should add the Multivitamins and Cell Activator to ensure that you are getting enough nutrition. Cell Activator helps increase your nutrient absorption from food.

 Caffeine in green tea is not the same as in coffee. It is slower-acting and has a calmer quality. But if you feel too stimulated try half a cup instead of a whole cup for a while.
Swollen Legs:

 This might indicate an allergic reaction to an ingredient in the Herbalife products. Please show your doctor the product labels and ask his advice. It would be best to discontinue using the product until you know what the cause of your swelling is.
Stomach Acidity:

If you are using Cell-U-Loss, try discontinuing it and see if that reduces your symptoms. If so, then Cell-U-Loss is not for you. If acidity persists when you are not taking it, there is some other cause. Cell-U-Loss contains 3 ingredients which may be causing the acidity: Apple Cider Vinegar, Vitamin C and Iron. It also contains herbs that have diuretic properties such as couch grass and corn silk extract.
Total Control (the metabolism booster) carries a warning to not be used by the pregnant, lactating (or those that want to get pregnant). Rapid weight loss and stimulants during breastfeeding can release too many toxins into your blood stream and thus into your milk. This can cause a decrease in your milk supply and be unhealthy for your baby. Avoid the stimulants in Total Control and the Herbal Tea, which contain caffeine. Herbalife products have nutrition labels that show warnings to guide women who are pregnant, nursing or who may become pregnant.

These are the most commonly reported side-effects that happen when the body is de-toxifying. Redness, blotchy skin and irritation can arise. Your skin being the largest organ, has the most cells to repair and also discharges toxins. It takes about 2 weeks to cleanse the blood stream and during this time the departing toxins can be irritating. Exercise produces sweat and will release toxins that can irritate the skin. Herbal Aloe Soothing Gel can provide symptomatic relief.

Hair Loss or Breakage:
 Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix has been shown to improve skin, hair and nail growth. If you experience hair loss early in your weight loss program, this is because damaged cells are being repaired or replaced. When beginning a weight loss program, your body will target the most damaged cells. Hair usually has the oldest cells and is thus the first target for renewal. Hair soon becomes healthier than before so you need not worry about this.
General Detoxing Effects:
It is very well known that at the beginning of a diet or fast there may be some adverse side effects. These usually subside within a few weeks however. If you detoxify for a few days using plain water, fruit or vegetables you will also experience some side effects. When we have better nutrition, or when toxic substances such as coffee, tea, chocolate, tobacco, salt, and pepper are discontinued, amazing changes take place. Our bodies discard the lower grade materials and tissues to make room for newer, healthier ones.
Weight Gain:

 An ideal weight-loss rate is between 3 and 5 pounds per week. If you lose weight gradually and are getting proper nutrition, it will stay off. Moderate exercise like walking is necessary to get the fat burning process going. Adequate hydration (drinking water regularly) is essential to flush the toxins.
Do not try to stop any Herbalife side effects by taking drugs. Either let the healing take its natural course or stop using the product if you experience an allergic reaction.